The Calgary Food Bank

The Calgary Food Bank

In honour of our 200th item sold we took to our customers on where we should donate to next. The majority of our customers voted to donate to the Calgary Food Bank. We reached out to this amazing community owned organization and asked what was the type of food they were in need of the most. They got back to us right away and reported that pasta, macaroni & cheese and pop-top soup was in the highest demand for their emergency hampers. 

We hit the stores and bought as much of this type of food as we possibly could for $100. We ended up buying:

  • 12 cans of pop-top soups
  • 20 packets of instant noodles
  • 30 boxes of pasta
  • 30 macaroni & cheese boxes
  • 40 packets of Sidekicks pasta and potatoes varieties

We were then given an amazing tour of the facility by one of the coordinators of the Food Bank. Absolutely incredible organization filled with the most caring people we have ever met. The most amazing fact we learned on the whole tour was the entire organization was privately funded! All their food and money for operations is 100% donated.

During these tough economic times, they have seen the demand for help rise exponentially. They are always looking for volunteers, food donations and monetary donations, no matter how big or small. They are in special need for pasta, pop-top soups and macaroni & cheese packets. 

For more information check out their website: 

For suggestions on how Local Laundry can help build community or support and volunteer at a local cause feel free to contact us at What local charity would you like us to donate to next?